Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Monday, February 23, 2015

Flight, night

I found this beautiful image today in my web wanderings... it's been a bird-filled day. I hope this image inspires you, too.

Friday, February 20, 2015

The lovely moon

There will be a beautiful sliver of the moon in the sky tonight in North America, and Venus and Mars are coming out to play with her. Make sure to take a moment to stop and see this lovely meeting in the sky.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Daily Tarot: The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man
The Wild Unknown tarot deck
The Hanged Man is a sign that you need a new perspective... things are happening that are beyond your control. You have to let go of your ego and see things as they are, which may not be as you think they should be.

The Hanged Man will only be comfortable when he realizes he's right where he should be... and the same is true for you. Whatever it is that you're holding onto, hold it loosely. Relax and let what's coming come...

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Daily Tarot: 6 of Swords

It's all a matter of perspective with the 6 of swords. The world looks dark down at the bottom of the heap. Darkness, rain, gloom, sadness abound... except... edging into the picture... a rainbow! If you can see past the darkness and gloom, there is hope, light, peace to be found.

Six of Swords stands for recovery from difficult times. There is hope at last. Things will get better. Surround yourself with joyful friends who will help to lift your spirits.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Daily Tarot: Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands is a bright and joyous card! New growth is all around. You can feel it bursting with inspiration, magic, creativity and possibility. Your ideas and outlook will expand, while creativity seems endless!

It's thrilling to embark on a new adventure, but use good judgement. Don't rush yourself. Take your time and make every step count.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Daily Tarot: Five of Swords

Five of Swords
The Wild Unkown Tarot
Today's card, Five of Swords, is a hard card. It's a warning. If you don't take care, you're going to fall into a destructive pattern. Maybe it's not the first time that you've been faced with the decision, the argument, the thought process that you're facing now. If that's true, you should know that you'd better steer clear. Don't make the same trouble for yourself over again. You've been here before. Remember the lessons you learned the last time and avoid the pain and discord this time around.

In this deck, the card shows a worm cut in half over the swords. Maybe you've already gone too far. Maybe the wheels of self-destruction are already in motion and even if you stopped yourself now, the damage has already been done. The good news is that a worm cut in half doesn't die. It becomes two worms, each one whole, each one able to thrive. So while there's pain, there is also hope.

There's always hope.

What does Five of Swords mean for you today?